In this article, we will delve into the implementation of JWT authentication in Rust, covering all crucial steps from generating and verifying JWT tokens with the HS256 algorithm, to registering users, signing them in, logging them out, and safeguarding private routes. We’ll build the API using the Actix-Web framework and persist data in a PostgreSQL database.

What is JWT? JSON Web Token, also commonly referred to as JWT, is an open standard that defines a compact and self-contained way of transmitting information securely between parties as a JSON object.

A JWT can securely hold claims, such as user identity, permissions, and session data, that are signed by the issuing party. The recipient of the JWT can verify its authenticity and extract the claims for use.

What is Actix-Web? Actix-web is a Rust web framework for building scalable and blazingly-fast web applications. It is built on top of the Actix framework, which is a Rust actors platform that offers a straightforward and efficient solution for managing concurrency.

Actix-web comes loaded with an array of features essential for web development, including routing, middleware, JSON serialization, Asynchronous I/O, WebSockets, and more.

More practice:

Rust - JWT Authentication with Actix Web


While this tutorial is intended to cater to both novice and seasoned Rust developers, it’s recommended to have the following prerequisites in place for an optimal learning experience.

  • For the purposes of this tutorial, you’ll need to have Docker installed on your machine. This is necessary for running both PostgreSQL and pgAdmin.
  • A basic understanding of Rust and its related technologies.
  • Prior experience in any Rust web framework will be beneficial.

Run the Actix-Web JWT Project Locally

  • Download or clone the Rust Actix-Web JWT authentication project from and open the source code in your preferred code editor.
  • Launch the PostgreSQL server in the Docker container by executing the command docker-compose up -d in the terminal of the root directory.
  • To install the SQLX CLI tool, run cargo install sqlx-cli. Then, use the command sqlx migrate run to apply the “up” migration script to the PostgreSQL database.
  • Run cargo r -r to install the necessary crates and launch the Actix Web HTTP server.
  • To test the Actix-Web JWT authentication flow, import the file Rust HS256 JWT.postman_collection.json into Postman or the Thunder Client extension in Visual Studio Code and send HTTP requests to the API endpoints.

Setup the Rust Project

Upon completing this guide, your folder and file arrangement should resemble the screenshot below.

JWT Authentication with Actix-Web, SQLX, and Postgres in Rust Project Structure

First things first, let’s create a project folder and initialize a Rust project using Cargo. To do this, navigate to your desktop or a preferred location and create a folder named rust-jwt-hs256. Next, navigate into the folder and run cargo init to initialize the Rust project.

mkdir rust-jwt-hs256
cd rust-jwt-hs256
cargo init

Executing cargo init will generate a Cargo.toml file in the root directory. This file serves as the project manifest and holds information regarding the project’s dependencies, build options, and metadata.

With the Rust project initialized, let’s proceed to install the necessary dependencies by executing the following commands.

cargo add actix-web
cargo add actix-cors
cargo add serde_json
cargo add serde --features derive
cargo add chrono --features serde
cargo add env_logger
cargo add dotenv
cargo add uuid --features "serde v4"
cargo add sqlx --features "runtime-async-std-native-tls postgres chrono uuid"
cargo add jsonwebtoken
cargo add argon2
cargo add rand_core --features "std"
# HotReload
cargo install cargo-watch
cargo install sqlx-cli

  • actix-web – Provides an asynchronous and actor-based web framework for building high-performance, scalable, and modular web applications in Rust.
  • actix-cors – Provides a convenient way to configure CORS policies in Actix-Web applications.
  • serde_json – For serializing and deserializing data using the JSON format.
  • serde – Provides a convenient and flexible solution for serializing and deserializing data structures in various formats including JSON, YAML, BSON, and more using a macro-based framework in Rust.
  • chrono – Date and time library for Rust.
  • env_logger – Enables dynamic control of logging behaviour in Rust applications using environment variables to set log level and format.
  • dotenv – Loads the content of a .env file into environment variables, which can then be read by the application using standard Rust methods.
  • uuid – A library to generate and parse UUIDs in Rust.
  • sqlx – Provides an efficient and user-friendly interface for accessing and manipulating SQL databases in Rust, with a high-level, asynchronous API for executing SQL statements, retrieving data, and managing database transactions.
  • sqlx-cli – The sqlx-cli binary provides a command-line interface for managing and applying changes to a SQL database schema in a version-controlled and repeatable way, making it easier to maintain the database structure as the application evolves over time.
  • jsonwebtoken – For encoding and decoding JSON Web Tokens in Rust.
  • argon2 – Provides functions to securely hash passwords for storage and verify the authenticity of passwords during authentication.
  • rand_core – This crate provides low-level, core traits for random number generators (RNGs) and algorithms that use RNGs.
  • cargo-watch – Automatically rebuilds a Rust project whenever a change is made to its source files.

In the event that the current versions of the crates cause any issues with your application, you can revert to the specified versions in the Cargo.toml file below.


name = "rust-jwt-hs256"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

# See more keys and their definitions at

actix-cors = "0.6.4"
actix-web = "4.3.0"
argon2 = "0.4.1"
chrono = { version = "0.4.23", features = ["serde"] }
dotenv = "0.15.0"
env_logger = "0.10.0"
jsonwebtoken = "8.2.0"
rand_core = { version = "0.6.4", features = ["std"] }
serde = { version = "1.0.152", features = ["derive"] }
serde_json = "1.0.91"
sqlx = { version = "0.6.2", features = ["runtime-async-std-native-tls", "postgres", "chrono", "uuid"] }
uuid = { version = "1.2.2", features = ["serde", "v4"] }

Let’s get a feel of the project by building a basic Actix-Web HTTP server that responds with a JSON object when a GET request is sent to the /api/healthchecker endpoint. To do this, open the src/ file and replace its content with the following code.


use actix_web::middleware::Logger;
use actix_web::{get, App, HttpResponse, HttpServer, Responder};

async fn health_checker_handler() -> impl Responder {
    const MESSAGE: &str = "JWT Authentication in Rust using Actix-web, Postgres, and SQLX";

    HttpResponse::Ok().json(serde_json::json!({"status": "success", "message": MESSAGE}))

async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    if std::env::var_os("RUST_LOG").is_none() {
        std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "actix_web=info");

    println!("🚀 Server started successfully");

    HttpServer::new(move || {
    .bind(("", 8000))?

By utilizing the cargo-watch binary we installed earlier, you can run the command shown below to initiate the building process for the project, and start the Actix-Web HTTP server. This will also monitor the source code for any changes, and automatically rebuild the project if any of the relevant files are modified.

cargo watch -q -c -w src/ -x run

With the server now running on port 8000, you can test its functionality by sending a GET request to the http://localhost:8000/api/healthchecker endpoint, which should return the JSON object.

testing the healthchecker route of the Actix-Web JWT API

Setup Postgres and pgAdmin with Docker

Let’s set up Postgres and pgAdmin with Docker. To do this, create a file named docker-compose.yml in the root directory and add the following Docker Compose configurations.


version: '3'
    image: postgres:latest
    container_name: postgres
      - '6500:5432'
      - progresDB:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - ./.env
    image: dpage/pgadmin4
    container_name: pgAdmin
      - ./.env
      - "5050:80"

To make the Postgres and pgAdmin credentials available to Docker Compose, create a .env file in the root directory and add the following environment variables. This ensures the credentials are available without directly writing them under the environment property in the docker-compose.yml file.





In addition, the environment variables file contains crucial information for JWT token management, including the secret for signing and verifying, the token’s expiration time, and the maximum age.

To launch the Postgres and pgAdmin containers, open your terminal and execute the command docker-compose up -d. Once the containers are up and running, you can check their status on the Docker Desktop application.

check the running PostgreSQL and pgAdmin Docker containers in Docker Desktop

Load the Environment Variables

Now let’s create a struct to list the necessary environment variables and specify their respective data types. Subsequently, we will implement an init() function on the struct, which, when invoked, will load the environment variables into the Rust runtime, enabling our application to utilize them.

To achieve this, create a file within the src directory and add the following code.


#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Config {
    pub database_url: String,
    pub jwt_secret: String,
    pub jwt_expires_in: String,
    pub jwt_maxage: i32,

impl Config {
    pub fn init() -> Config {
        let database_url = std::env::var("DATABASE_URL").expect("DATABASE_URL must be set");
        let jwt_secret = std::env::var("JWT_SECRET").expect("JWT_SECRET must be set");
        let jwt_expires_in = std::env::var("JWT_EXPIRED_IN").expect("JWT_EXPIRED_IN must be set");
        let jwt_maxage = std::env::var("JWT_MAXAGE").expect("JWT_MAXAGE must be set");
        Config {
            jwt_maxage: jwt_maxage.parse::<i32>().unwrap(),

Create the SQL Queries and Run the Migrations

With the Postgres server running within the Docker container, let’s utilize the SQLX CLI to generate migration files and synchronise the database schema with the scripts.

If you haven’t already installed the SQLX CLI binary, execute the command cargo install sqlx-cli to install it. After the installation, run the following command to generate the up/down migration scripts.

sqlx migrate add -r init

The command mentioned above will result in the creation of a migrations folder in the root directory and the generation of up/down migration scripts inside it.

Next, open the “up” script and add the following SQL code, which will enable us to create a “users” table in the database.



    "users" (
        id UUID NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT (uuid_generate_v4()),
        name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
        email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
        photo VARCHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT 'default.png',
        password VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
        role VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'user',
        created_at TIMESTAMP
            TIME ZONE DEFAULT NOW(),
            updated_at TIMESTAMP

CREATE INDEX users_email_idx ON users (email);

To revert the changes made by the “up” migration script, open the “down” script and add the following SQL code. This will remove the “users” table from the database if it exists.



Now execute the command sqlx migrate run to push the schema defined in the “up” migration script to the database and synchronise the database schema with the codebase.

To confirm that the “users” table has been successfully added to the database, access the running pgAdmin container at http://localhost:5050/, and sign in using the credentials specified in the environment variables file.

Next, execute the command docker inspect postgres to retrieve the IP address of the Postgres container, which can be found at the bottom of the output. Then, use this IP address and the credentials specified in the .env file to register the Postgres server on pgAdmin.

register the running Postgres server on pgAdmin to see the users table inserted by the SQLX CLI tool

After registering the Postgres server, go to the “Tables” section in the rust_hs256 database to view the “users” table.

viewing the users table inserted by the SQLX CLI in pgAdmin

Create the Database Model

With the database now in sync with the codebase, let’s define a Rust struct that mirrors the structure of the “users” table. This struct will serve as a representation of the underlying SQL table, where its fields correspond to the columns of the table.

Create a file within the src directory and add the following model definitions.


use chrono::prelude::*;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, sqlx::FromRow, Serialize, Clone)]
pub struct User {
    pub id: uuid::Uuid,
    pub name: String,
    pub email: String,
    pub password: String,
    pub role: String,
    pub photo: String,
    pub verified: bool,
    #[serde(rename = "createdAt")]
    pub created_at: Option<DateTime<Utc>>,
    #[serde(rename = "updatedAt")]
    pub updated_at: Option<DateTime<Utc>>,

#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct TokenClaims {
    pub sub: String,
    pub iat: usize,
    pub exp: usize,

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
pub struct RegisterUserSchema {
    pub name: String,
    pub email: String,
    pub password: String,

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
pub struct LoginUserSchema {
    pub email: String,
    pub password: String,

For simplicity, we’ll keep the TokenClaims, RegisterUserSchema, and LoginUserSchema structs within the src/ file instead of placing them in a separate src/ file.

The RegisterUserSchema struct will validate incoming data during the account registration process, while the LoginUserSchema struct will validate incoming data during the login process.

Create the Response Structs

To secure sensitive information, such as passwords, let’s create a struct named FilteredUser that we’ll use to filter the records obtained from the Postgres database. These structs will implement the Serialize trait from the Serde library, allowing us to easily convert the structs into JSON format before sending them as a response.

Create a file within the src directory and add the following structs:


use chrono::prelude::*;
use serde::Serialize;

#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct FilteredUser {
    pub id: String,
    pub name: String,
    pub email: String,
    pub role: String,
    pub photo: String,
    pub verified: bool,
    pub createdAt: DateTime<Utc>,
    pub updatedAt: DateTime<Utc>,

#[derive(Serialize, Debug)]
pub struct UserData {
    pub user: FilteredUser,

#[derive(Serialize, Debug)]
pub struct UserResponse {
    pub status: String,
    pub data: UserData,

Create the JWT Actix-Web Middleware Guard

Let’s create an Actix-Web JWT middleware guard to protect certain resources on the server by verifying the validity of JWT tokens present in either the Authorization header or Cookies.

The JWT middleware will attempt to obtain the token from the Authorization header first. If the token is not present, it will then look in the Cookies object. In the event that the token cannot be found in either of these locations, a 401 Unauthorized error will be sent to the client.


use core::fmt;
use std::future::{ready, Ready};

use actix_web::error::ErrorUnauthorized;
use actix_web::{dev::Payload, Error as ActixWebError};
use actix_web::{http, web, FromRequest, HttpMessage, HttpRequest};
use jsonwebtoken::{decode, DecodingKey, Validation};
use serde::Serialize;

use crate::model::TokenClaims;
use crate::AppState;

#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
struct ErrorResponse {
    status: String,
    message: String,

impl fmt::Display for ErrorResponse {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{}", serde_json::to_string(&self).unwrap())

pub struct JwtMiddleware {
    pub user_id: uuid::Uuid,

impl FromRequest for JwtMiddleware {
    type Error = ActixWebError;
    type Future = Ready<Result<Self, Self::Error>>;
    fn from_request(req: &HttpRequest, _: &mut Payload) -> Self::Future {
        let data = req.app_data::<web::Data<AppState>>().unwrap();

        let token = req
            .map(|c| c.value().to_string())
            .or_else(|| {
                    .map(|h| h.to_str().unwrap().split_at(7).1.to_string())

        if token.is_none() {
            let json_error = ErrorResponse {
                status: "fail".to_string(),
                message: "You are not logged in, please provide token".to_string(),
            return ready(Err(ErrorUnauthorized(json_error)));

        let claims = match decode::<TokenClaims>(
        ) {
            Ok(c) =>,
            Err(_) => {
                let json_error = ErrorResponse {
                    status: "fail".to_string(),
                    message: "Invalid token".to_string(),
                return ready(Err(ErrorUnauthorized(json_error)));

        let user_id = uuid::Uuid::parse_str(claims.sub.as_str()).unwrap();

        ready(Ok(JwtMiddleware { user_id }))

If the token is present, the middleware will use the jsonwebtoken library to validate the token and extract the claims stored in it. Then, the decoded token’s “sub” property value will be added to the request using the req.extensions_mut().insert() method.

Implement the JWT Authentication Flow

Oops, quite a lot of code. At this point, we can now proceed to create Actix-Web routes for user registration, sign-in, log-out, and retrieving the authenticated user information. To get started, create a file within the src directory and add the following dependencies and modules.


use crate::{
    model::{LoginUserSchema, RegisterUserSchema, TokenClaims, User},
use actix_web::{
    cookie::{time::Duration as ActixWebDuration, Cookie},
    get, post, web, HttpMessage, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Responder,
use argon2::{
    password_hash::{rand_core::OsRng, PasswordHash, PasswordHasher, PasswordVerifier, SaltString},
use chrono::{prelude::*, Duration};
use jsonwebtoken::{encode, EncodingKey, Header};
use serde_json::json;
use sqlx::Row;

Next, create a filter_user_record function that will utilize the FilteredUser struct to filter the records obtained from the Postgres database.


fn filter_user_record(user: &User) -> FilteredUser {
    FilteredUser {
        role: user.role.to_owned(),
        verified: user.verified,
        createdAt: user.created_at.unwrap(),
        updatedAt: user.updated_at.unwrap(),

Register User Route Handler

Here, you’ll create a route handler for the #[post("/auth/register")] endpoint to handle user registration. Upon receiving the account registration request from Actix-Web, this handler will first verify the existence of a user with the submitted email address by querying the database.

In the event that a user with the submitted email already exists in the database, a 409 Conflict response will be sent to the client. If no such user exists, the password will be securely hashed using Argon2, and the newly registered user will be added to the database.

I transitioned from Bcrypt to Argon2 due to its improved speed, as creating a single hash with Bcrypt was taking an excessive amount of time. Argon2 provided a hashing speed that was twice as fast as Bcrypt.

If the operation is successful, the newly-inserted record returned by SQLX will be filtered to remove sensitive information such as the hashed password and only the remaining details will be included in the JSON response.


async fn register_user_handler(
    body: web::Json<RegisterUserSchema>,
    data: web::Data<AppState>,
) -> impl Responder {
    let exists: bool = sqlx::query("SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE email = $1)")

    if exists {
        return HttpResponse::Conflict().json(
            serde_json::json!({"status": "fail","message": "User with that email already exists"}),

    let salt = SaltString::generate(&mut OsRng);
    let hashed_password = Argon2::default()
        .hash_password(body.password.as_bytes(), &salt)
        .expect("Error while hashing password")
    let query_result = sqlx::query_as!(
        "INSERT INTO users (name,email,password) VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING *",,,

    match query_result {
        Ok(user) => {
            let user_response = serde_json::json!({"status": "success","data": serde_json::json!({
                "user": filter_user_record(&user)

            return HttpResponse::Ok().json(user_response);
        Err(e) => {
            return HttpResponse::InternalServerError()
                .json(serde_json::json!({"status": "error","message": format!("{:?}", e)}));

Login User Route Handler

Now that we’re able to register new users, let’s move on to creating a route handler for user sign-in. This handler will utilize the #[post("/auth/login")] macro to handle sign-in requests.

When this route function receives the sign-in request, it will query the database to retrieve the user that matches the submitted email address. Then, it will use Argon2 to compare the plain-text password to the hashed password on the record.

If no matching user is found or the password verification fails, a 400 Bad Request response with the message “Invalid email or password” will be sent to the client.


async fn login_user_handler(
    body: web::Json<LoginUserSchema>,
    data: web::Data<AppState>,
) -> impl Responder {
    let query_result = sqlx::query_as!(User, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = $1",

    let is_valid = query_result.to_owned().map_or(false, |user| {
        let parsed_hash = PasswordHash::new(&user.password).unwrap();
            .verify_password(body.password.as_bytes(), &parsed_hash)
            .map_or(false, |_| true)

    if !is_valid {
        return HttpResponse::BadRequest()
            .json(json!({"status": "fail", "message": "Invalid email or password"}));

    let user = query_result.unwrap();

    let now = Utc::now();
    let iat = now.timestamp() as usize;
    let exp = (now + Duration::minutes(60)).timestamp() as usize;
    let claims: TokenClaims = TokenClaims {

    let token = encode(

    let cookie = Cookie::build("token", token.to_owned())
        .max_age(ActixWebDuration::new(60 * 60, 0))

        .json(json!({"status": "success", "token": token}))

However, if the authentication process is successful, a JSON Web Token (JWT) will be generated and included in the response. The user can then use this token in future requests as a Bearer token to access protected routes. Additionally, the JWT will be sent as a secure HTTP-only cookie in the response.

Logout User Route Handler

In this step, you’ll create a #[get("/auth/logout")] route to handle user sign-out requests. The handler will send an expired cookie to the user’s API client or browser, effectively deleting the existing cookie and logging out the user.


async fn logout_handler(_: jwt_auth::JwtMiddleware) -> impl Responder {
    let cookie = Cookie::build("token", "")
        .max_age(ActixWebDuration::new(-1, 0))

        .json(json!({"status": "success"}))

Get Authenticated User Route Handler

Now let’s create a #[get("/users/me")] route to return the authenticated user’s account information. This route will be protected by a JWT middleware guard, ensuring that only users with valid JWT tokens can access it.

The JWT middleware guard will store the user’s ID in the Extensions object of Actix-Web once the user has successfully completed the authentication process.

This function will retrieve the user’s ID from the Extensions object of Actix-Web and use it to query the database for the corresponding user record. It will then filter the record to remove sensitive information like the hashed password before returning the remaining details in the response.


async fn get_me_handler(
    req: HttpRequest,
    data: web::Data<AppState>,
    _: jwt_auth::JwtMiddleware,
) -> impl Responder {
    let ext = req.extensions();
    let user_id = ext.get::<uuid::Uuid>().unwrap();

    let user = sqlx::query_as!(User, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = $1", user_id)

    let json_response = serde_json::json!({
        "status":  "success",
        "data": serde_json::json!({
            "user": filter_user_record(&user)


Merge the Route Handlers

Now that we’ve created all the route handlers, let’s create a configuration function that uses Actix-web’s web::ServiceConfig struct and web::scope function to combine them under the same path prefix.


pub fn config(conf: &mut web::ServiceConfig) {
    let scope = web::scope("/api")


Complete Authentication Route Handlers


use crate::{
    model::{LoginUserSchema, RegisterUserSchema, TokenClaims, User},
use actix_web::{
    cookie::{time::Duration as ActixWebDuration, Cookie},
    get, post, web, HttpMessage, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Responder,
use argon2::{
    password_hash::{rand_core::OsRng, PasswordHash, PasswordHasher, PasswordVerifier, SaltString},
use chrono::{prelude::*, Duration};
use jsonwebtoken::{encode, EncodingKey, Header};
use serde_json::json;
use sqlx::Row;

async fn health_checker_handler() -> impl Responder {
    const MESSAGE: &str = "JWT Authentication in Rust using Actix-web, Postgres, and SQLX";

    HttpResponse::Ok().json(json!({"status": "success", "message": MESSAGE}))

async fn register_user_handler(
    body: web::Json<RegisterUserSchema>,
    data: web::Data<AppState>,
) -> impl Responder {
    let exists: bool = sqlx::query("SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE email = $1)")

    if exists {
        return HttpResponse::Conflict().json(
            serde_json::json!({"status": "fail","message": "User with that email already exists"}),

    let salt = SaltString::generate(&mut OsRng);
    let hashed_password = Argon2::default()
        .hash_password(body.password.as_bytes(), &salt)
        .expect("Error while hashing password")
    let query_result = sqlx::query_as!(
        "INSERT INTO users (name,email,password) VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING *",,,

    match query_result {
        Ok(user) => {
            let user_response = serde_json::json!({"status": "success","data": serde_json::json!({
                "user": filter_user_record(&user)

            return HttpResponse::Ok().json(user_response);
        Err(e) => {
            return HttpResponse::InternalServerError()
                .json(serde_json::json!({"status": "error","message": format!("{:?}", e)}));
async fn login_user_handler(
    body: web::Json<LoginUserSchema>,
    data: web::Data<AppState>,
) -> impl Responder {
    let query_result = sqlx::query_as!(User, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = $1",

    let is_valid = query_result.to_owned().map_or(false, |user| {
        let parsed_hash = PasswordHash::new(&user.password).unwrap();
            .verify_password(body.password.as_bytes(), &parsed_hash)
            .map_or(false, |_| true)

    if !is_valid {
        return HttpResponse::BadRequest()
            .json(json!({"status": "fail", "message": "Invalid email or password"}));

    let user = query_result.unwrap();

    let now = Utc::now();
    let iat = now.timestamp() as usize;
    let exp = (now + Duration::minutes(60)).timestamp() as usize;
    let claims: TokenClaims = TokenClaims {

    let token = encode(

    let cookie = Cookie::build("token", token.to_owned())
        .max_age(ActixWebDuration::new(60 * 60, 0))

        .json(json!({"status": "success", "token": token}))

async fn logout_handler(_: jwt_auth::JwtMiddleware) -> impl Responder {
    let cookie = Cookie::build("token", "")
        .max_age(ActixWebDuration::new(-1, 0))

        .json(json!({"status": "success"}))

async fn get_me_handler(
    req: HttpRequest,
    data: web::Data<AppState>,
    _: jwt_auth::JwtMiddleware,
) -> impl Responder {
    let ext = req.extensions();
    let user_id = ext.get::<uuid::Uuid>().unwrap();

    let user = sqlx::query_as!(User, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = $1", user_id)

    let json_response = serde_json::json!({
        "status":  "success",
        "data": serde_json::json!({
            "user": filter_user_record(&user)


fn filter_user_record(user: &User) -> FilteredUser {
    FilteredUser {
        role: user.role.to_owned(),
        verified: user.verified,
        createdAt: user.created_at.unwrap(),
        updatedAt: user.updated_at.unwrap(),

pub fn config(conf: &mut web::ServiceConfig) {
    let scope = web::scope("/api")


Register the Routes Config and Add CORS

Let’s now integrate our configuration function into Actix-Web as a service and add CORS support to the server. This will allow it to handle cross-origin requests to and from specified domains.

Subsequently, we’ll use the SQLX crate to connect the application to the PostgreSQL server and the dotenv crate to load the environment variables into the Rust runtime.

To do this, replace the content of the src/ file with the following code:


mod config;
mod handler;
mod jwt_auth;
mod model;
mod response;

use actix_cors::Cors;
use actix_web::middleware::Logger;
use actix_web::{http::header, web, App, HttpServer};
use config::Config;
use dotenv::dotenv;
use sqlx::{postgres::PgPoolOptions, Pool, Postgres};

pub struct AppState {
    db: Pool<Postgres>,
    env: Config,

async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    if std::env::var_os("RUST_LOG").is_none() {
        std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "actix_web=info");

    let config = Config::init();

    let pool = match PgPoolOptions::new()
        Ok(pool) => {
            println!("✅Connection to the database is successful!");
        Err(err) => {
            println!("🔥 Failed to connect to the database: {:?}", err);

    println!("🚀 Server started successfully");

    HttpServer::new(move || {
        let cors = Cors::default()
            .allowed_methods(vec!["GET", "POST"])
            .app_data(web::Data::new(AppState {
                db: pool.clone(),
                env: config.clone(),
    .bind(("", 8000))?

Finally, you can build the project and launch the Actix-web server again by running the command cargo watch -q -c -w src/ -x run.

Test the JWT Authentication Flow

Now that the Actix-Web server is listening on port 8000 and ready to accept requests, clone the project from and import the Rust HS256 JWT.postman_collection.json file into Postman or Thunder Client VS Code extension. Then, test the JWT authentication flow by sending HTTP requests to the API.

Create a New User

To create a new account, provide your credentials in a JSON format within the request body of your API client and send a POST request to the /api/auth/register endpoint.

    "email": "",
    "name": "Admin",
    "password": "password123",
    "passwordConfirm": "password123",
    "photo": "default.png"

The Rust API will validate the credentials, store them in the database, and return a filtered version of the newly-created record in the JSON response.

Rust JWT Authentication with Actix-Web, SQLX, and Postgres Register a new User


To sign into your account, input your credentials in JSON format within the request body of your API client and send a POST request to the /api/auth/login endpoint.

    "email": "",
    "password": "password123"

The Rust API will validate the credentials, generate a JWT token, and include it in the response as an HTTP-only cookie.

Rust JWT Authentication with Actix-Web, SQLX, and Postgres Login User

Access Protected Route

Now that you’ve obtained a JWT token, retrieve your account information by sending a GET request to the /api/users/me endpoint. You can include the token in the Authorization header or let your API client send it as a cookie with the request.

Rust JWT Authentication with Actix-Web, SQLX, and Postgres Get the Authenticated User

Logout User

To log out from the API, include the JWT token as a Bearer in the Authorization header and send a GET request to the /api/auth/logout endpoint. Alternatively, you can let your API client send the token as a cookie with the request.

Rust JWT Authentication with Actix-Web, SQLX, and Postgres Logout User


And we are done! You can find the complete source code of the Rust Actix-Web JWT authentication project on GitHub.

In this article, we implemented JWT authentication in a Rust application using the Actix-Web framework, SQLX, and PostgreSQL. The API offers complete user management capabilities including user registration, sign-in, log-out, and secure access to protected routes.